We clean a multitude of facilities that are not limited to hospitals, schools, offices and houses. Each of these facilities needs specific
types of care that we can provide. By providing an on-site walk-through, we narrow down
the specific rooms and details that need attention per schedule on a routine basis by request of the client.
All details are outlined and cared to as requested. Some of the general things we take care of are listed as follows:
types of care that we can provide. By providing an on-site walk-through, we narrow down
the specific rooms and details that need attention per schedule on a routine basis by request of the client.
All details are outlined and cared to as requested. Some of the general things we take care of are listed as follows:
- Clean sinks, toilets and hardware
- Sanitize water fountains or food areas
- Remove oil, fingerprints and dirt from work enviornments
- Gather and remove all trash and recycling to designated areas
- Provide detailing to trim, blinds, window sills and other outside surfaces
- Mop and clean all floors with necessary chemicals